



  首先,我们先来学习一下愚人节的由来   中英双语,可以安排孩子早晚朗读,培养孩子的语感。   According to British historians, according to the encyclopedia of the English, "April fool's day" is a lie festival that appeared after the religious revolution in the 15th century.   译文:据英国历史学家的考证:英人百科全书里面则是记载着:“愚人节”乃是公元十五世纪宗教革命之后始出现的一个说谎节日。   At that time, Philip ii, king of Spain, established a "heresy tribunal". Anyone ade fun of them every day to dilute their fear and hatred of the ruler. Since then, continue to use for a long time, evolved into today's "April fool's day".   译文:臣民们感到非常恐怖,于是每天以说谎取笑为乐,来冲淡对统治者之恐惧与憎恨。其后,沿用日久,演变为今日之“愚人节”。

  其次,我们可以来看看国外历史上的经典愚人故事   丰富孩子的见闻,故事性的文章,更利于激发孩子的好奇心,增加对英语学习的兴趣;另外培养孩子的英语阅读习惯,教会孩子阅读文章的时候,边阅读边学习新新词汇,有助于让孩子养成良好的学习习惯。   1、BBC新闻的愚人节事件:   The Saannounced that thanks to a very mild ination of thedreaded spaghetti ers per spaghetti crop.It accompanied this announcement trees. Huge numbers of vieatically replied, "place a sprig of spaghetti in a tinof tomato sauce and hope for the best."  1957年愚人节BBC新闻中说,瑞士的面条树大丰收,农民都在树上收割面条。大量观众上当受骗,打电话来咨询面条树的种植方法


  2、瑞典电视台的愚人节事件:   Instant Color TV   即时彩色电视   Image1962: In 1962 there onstrate theprocess. Thousands of people menced in Se ph ph faster than the previous record.Surprisingly, Sidd Finch had never even played the game before. Instead, he hadmastered the "art of the pitch" in a Tibetan monasteryunder theguidance of the "great poet-saint Lama Milaraspa." Mets fanscelebrated their teams' amazing luck at having found such a gifted player, andSports Illustrated ore information. In realitythis legendary player only existed in the imagination of the author of thearticle, George Plimpton。   1985年愚人节,运动画刊杂志发布一条假消息,称一个名为Sidd Finch的新人棒球投球手,能投出168mph时速的球,比当时记录高出65mph;而且这位新人之前都没有玩过棒球!他在一个西藏的寺庙里学会了投球的艺术。大批棒球粉丝因此被骗。其实这个只是文章作者瞎编的。

  4、快餐店在4月1日撒过的“弥天大谎”:   The Taco Liberty Bell   塔可自由钟   Taco Liberty Bell1996: The Taco Bell Corporation announced it had bought the Liberty Bell and ing it the Taco Liberty Bell. Hundreds of outraged citizens called the National Historic Park in Philadelphia ed e orial had also been sold. It orial。   1996年愚人节,塔可钟快餐公司说他们买下了美国费城厅的大钟,并重命名为塔可自由钟。愤怒的市民打电话给费城的 历史公园,要求确认这个消息。几小时后塔可钟快餐公司承认这只是个玩笑。当天最乌龙的事件还不在此。白宫记者会秘书Mike McCurry被问到这件事时,随机应变回答说,林肯纪念碑也被卖了,现在被命名为福特水星汽车纪念碑。

  5、英国卫报的4月1日事件:   San Serriffe   虚拟   Image1977: The British neent devoted to San Serriffe, a small republic said toconsist of several semi-colon-shaped islands located in the Indian Ocean. A series of articles affectionately described the geographyand culture of this obscure nation. Its tain islands ed UpperCaisse and Loore information about the idyllic holiday spot. Only a feed after printer's terminology。   1977年愚人节,英国卫报发行了长达7页的增刊,全是介绍San Serriffe这个印度洋上的小岛国的,据说那里有好几个分号形状的小岛。文章中大肆渲染了这里的风情和民俗,介绍了它的城市和首都,甚至总统的名字。当天卫报编辑室的电话都被读者打爆了,大家都想知道这样美好的度假胜地在哪。只有少数人注意到,首都名字Bodoni是印刷术语,是一种印刷字体的名称。

  6、科学技术杂志的愚人节愚人手段:   Alabama Changes the Value of Pi   圆周率值的修改   1998: The April 1998 issue of the Neing that the Alabama statelegislature had voted to change the value of the mathematical constant pi from3.14159 to the 'Biblical value' of 3.0. Soon the article made its ail. Itonly became apparent hoa legislature began receiving hundredsof calls from people protesting the legislation. The original article, pts to circumscribe the teachingof evolution, ent inUSA Today announcing the introduction of a ne to their menu: a"Left-Handed Whopper" specially designed for the 32 millionleft-handed Americans. According to the advertisement, the nee ingredients as the original Whopper (lettuce, tomato, hamburger patty,etc。),but all the condiments ers. Thefolloers had gone intorestaurants to request the neultaneously, according to the pressrelease, "many others requested their op;quot;   1998年愚人节,汉堡王在今日美国报纸上发布了真个版面的广告,介绍他们的新食物:左手汉堡,据说是专为左撇子人士设计,啥都没变,就是全部旋转了180度(小编好奇:转了180度有区别么?)成千上万的顾客因此前来品尝,而且有人要求设计“右手汉堡”。   ★愚人节不得不知的一些英语小知识   在国外,愚人节已经形成了一种氛围。在英国,有一句关于愚人节的俗语:   “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me te on me”:   骗我一次,是你不对;上当两次,是我不对。(也可以理解为“吃一堑长一智”)   但是如果一个人被骗第三次的时候:   “But fool me three times, it must be April Fool's Day”: 上三次当,原来今天是愚人节。   愚人节常用英语口语   April Fish 四月愚人(法国)   Noodle 笨蛋(英国)

  在愚人节那天,除了Fool这个单词,Prank(整人、恶作剧)更加常用。   例如:   Prank 整人、恶作剧   Prankster 爱开玩笑的人   例句:   I e money on the floor. 快看!地上有钱。   3.Haha,your fly is open! 哈哈,你的裤子拉链没拉!   4. Hey!You dropped your just messing just pulling your leg!逗你玩的!  投稿邮箱:chuanbeiol@163 详情请访问川北在线:http://www.guangyuanol.cn